Questions & Answers
Full Legal Name
Full Birthdate
Social Security Number
Current Address
Without this information, we will not be able to run background checks or provide services.
Generally, yes. We recommend disclosing in writing, with a signature, that you will be running a report on that individual. Obtaining consent is extremely important from both a legal and ethical perspective.
Have them provide any information possible and we will attempt to reach his/her employer’s HR department and attempt to find the necessary information.
They can dispute the information here on our website, and we will take care of the rest.
This depends on the item being disputed; however, this process usually takes around 30 days. It’s important to note, that just because the candidate says it does not belong to him, does not necessarily mean that’s true.
Nope. This is handled by our team, free of charge.
This really depends on the products and packages you have chosen. Some of our products are near instant searches, while others may take multiple days to complete.
Depending on what products you have selected, the applicant will receive an email that they can click through, fill out, sign disclosures, and pick a drug testing location that is close to their residence or zip code provided. They can pick their location, bring the necessary paperwork or scannable link sent to them, and go to that location picked, to get their drug screening done. They will need to provide a proper form of I.D. to the location of the drug screening.