I9 Auditing and Verifications
I9 Verifications
I-9 verifications are time consuming and are often performed incorrectly. Through our sophisticated software, you will be alerted if any of the information being entered is incorrect. The I-9 is a crucial piece of evidence that shows one’s ability to work in the United States. This can all be done through our E-verify process, saving you and your staff precious time. Don’t continue to do them the manual way. Ask us about our I-9 verification process and how we can get that facilitated for you!
Any employee hired after November 6th 1986 is required to complete the I-9 form. Even though this is a requirement, mistakes are often made and over half of I-9 verifications contain errors.
Through our platform, we allow the ability to:
Manage the entire I-9 process
Detect potential errors and ensure the forms are accurate and complete
Organize all I-9 forms.
Gain the ability to send out electronic I-9s with an automated notification system that documents alerts
Our electronic process has completely revamped the way 1-9 verifications are performed. Using our electronic platform can dramatically speed up the process. Utilizing our electronic process also helps ensure you are creating a centralized management of all electronically administered I-9 verifications. Give us a call or click get started and ask how we can get you set up today!